**EDIT** (kellie, turn you boys head.) lil sis weighs...26 lbs and 11 oz and is 29.25 inches. she is at the tippy top for length and sooooo off the charts in weight. she's a tucker all right. her brothers did the same thing...only they were mobile so not quite as chunky monkey!
in the last month, you have...
gotten even more beautiful (which i didn't know was possible!)
have decided that you can get yourself around a little bit, even if it is mainly by rolling and going in "reverse"
developed even more personality (which again, didn't know was possible)
you have shown us that like most girls, you LOVE a good bath, even if it is with stinky boys (which so far has only been this once. we get enough talk about teeters and hineys. i don't feel like talking about boobies and cha-chas right now, even though they are aware.)
you can drink out of a sippy cup, even when trying to play
and the cutest of all, you finally sprouted some curls!! luke could NOT be more tickled! and momma and daddy think they are pretty cute too!
i just love you dang near to death little girl. and i didn't get the picture today, but you now own your very own pair of size 3 pink crocks and they are too precious for words.
on a side note, my test for thursday and friday has to be postponed b/c i have to be off of my thyroid medication for 6 weeks prior to having it done. so when it gets rescheduled, i'll be sure to let yall know!! just keep my up and down hormones in your thoughts (and the people around me who have to deal with them!!) will give yall some 9 month stats tomorrow after the appointment for lil sis.
It's hard to believe she is already 9 months old! I have soo enjoyed watching her grow up! She is absolutely precious.
Happy 9 months, Sister! You are so precious!!!
Omg, curls are the most precious thing. That's adorable that Luke is excited about them!
I cannot believe she is 9 months old already.
Love the boobies and cha-chas comment - my 3 get baths together every night - oh well! LOVE the curls - someone forgot to tell them to SLOW DOWN!!!!!
can't believe it's already been 9 months! she's adorable! keep us posted on the tests!
So precious! I've been keeping you in my prayers:)
Happy 9month birthday!! ;) So not to sound dumb, but can I put Anderson in the bathtub by himself like that?
thanks girls.
suz-sure! get everything ready first so you don't have to turn your back for one little second. and you might get a non-slip mat or just put a hand towel under his hiney.
Happy Nine Months! 3/4 of a year! Precious! You gotta love a chunky monkey. You know I Do! I want to eat her up!
Just saw the update and I am so jealous and I know Will is even more jealous - hopefully my boys will own up to their 6'4" daddy one day!!!!
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