"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed." (Mark 1:35)
"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." (Psalm 5:3)
as a mom of 3 kids under 5 (at least until tuesday when i will officially have a big boy), i am finding it harder and harder to be consistant with my alone time with God. and i hate putting it off until the hour before i go to bed, which is the only time i usually have to myself during the day b/c not all the kids take naps. i have found these two verses that talk about when we should spend time with God. i have absolutely never never never been a morning person. my mama can attest to that, even as a baby. but i feel like God is putting it on my heart to really give Him my "first fruits" so that He can bless the rest of my day. in the evenings, i am tired and unable to completely concentrate b/c i'm in tomorrow's "to-do-list mode". i started reading a book by Ginger Plowman called "Heaven at Home", and this was talked about in the first chapter! (you folks who went to auburn may have heard of her. she is an opelika native who i got to hear at a ladies' retreat i went on this past winter.) i want to meet Him in quiet places (because there are so few of those in my life!) I want to delight in what He has in store for me. I want to bring glory to Him, even as...especially as a wife and mom. I have always felt like i was born to nurture. it is why i always wanted to be a wife, a mom, and even a nurse. and i think part of my problem is that i get so caught up in the every day of my every day, i completely forget to be still.
so all you other mothers out there, what are your tips? where are you meeting God?
GIRL! You are speaking to me! I have struggled since August, which is when my child no longer wanted to be rocked to sleep, with my alone time with God. Since the day she was born, I would spend my quiet time with him while I rocked her to sleep at night. I knew I wouldn't be interupted and how much closer can you get to him...I mean you are holding HIS amazing creation! So, being a working mom and having to get everyone including yourself out the door by 7 am, I've struggled big time lately! I've taken time when I get out of the shower to sit and pray, but this hasn't become a routine b/c it doesn't "feel right". Of course I am lacking that time studying the Bible. And I do know of Ginger. Her family owns a fabulous restaurant chain in town called Jim Bob's. She's also written a book called Don't Make Me Count to Three. It's obviously about discipline. Anyway, this is your blog. I would love to hear other's ideas on what they do.
oh i welcome the comments. most days i think i'm just talking to myself!! i started setting my alarm clock today. i was able to sit up and at least pray before AC woke up and the boys were into disney. my goal is to sneak into my biggo oversized chair in the mornings (i sure wish the kids would quit waking up at 6:15!!) i rearranged it so that it was by the fireplace (that i don't use) and i put a basket by it that has my Bible, a study book, a pen and highlighter, my spiral index cards (where i jot down verses that speak to me), and my chenille throw. i'm all set.
oh...Allyson, do you like Beth Moore? she has some awesome studies on CD. i just fell in love with that way to get in some study. do you have enough time to do that between dropping off MM and work, or can you download them to your work computer and listen through headphones?
I've not thought about either of those ways! I've heard INCREDIBLE things about Beth Moore, but haven't expereinced her. I am going to try them both. Not sure if the earphones at work will work though. I have an office mate that likes to chat. Sure could on the days she is out of the office though!
Thanks for the ideas AND for posting about this!!
i KNOW i have that one. it must be in a box. or i wonder if i got that one on CD. shoot...now i need to go digging in my (newly cleaned out) storage building.
oh...also...i use my MP3 player for my devos. i never have any new music, but i usually have a Bible study i haven't gotten to, if i'm honest. so we download them to the computer, load them up, and i listen as i walk at night...when i do that. shoot...one more thing to get to!
I do mine at night all though, quite often, I wake around 3 or 4 and we have a good talk at those times. And I will say, it's at those times when I have the most clarity. But if I wake on my own and try to do it, I don't retain much and I don't really stick to it.
I guess I reason that maybe Jesus did his in the morning because he didn't have light to read by at night... So I'll just thank him for my little lamp and read on!
I'll be checking back to see how it goes. You're a better woman than me!
Great post, Becky! I want to try to find that book you referenced--Heaven at Home.
I'm very similar to you, in style, but I LOVE mornings, so that's not a problem. (Although Maren loves mornings too, so I have to race her up!) I too have a quiet time basket, next to the fire place--which I do use since I live in CO. I haven't been doing this lately, but I love to add a song book, and start with a song. (Quietly of course, if it's 6am!) I've also been reading through the Bible in a year. I came across a great schedule that skips around the OT/NT. I used to get bogged down around Judges, but I'm actually on track to FINISH this year:) I try to write 3 things that God is telling me specifically in HIS word that day.
When Maren's up before I'm done, I'll put on a Veggie Tales, or sing-along video for her to snuggle up to. I kind of view that as quiet time for her too:)
Thanks for sharing your ideas:)
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