Thursday, February 5, 2009

thankful thursday-a foot in the "Graves"...

maybe that wasn't the best title. some of you may worry. So I went to the doctor today. I already knew what she would say. As a nurse, you tend to know too much to no know enough. Does that make sense to only me and the nurses who read this, or do you get what i'm sayin'? The diagnosis is Graves Disease. (Basically it's autoimmune hyperthyroidism or overactive thyroid.) We are completely baffled about it because other than maybe 2 symptoms, I have classic symptoms of hypothyroidism, meaning an underactive thyroid. It was caught really early!! It doesn't seem to be related to postpartum how we thought it might be because my antibodies are way too hight for that. And it doesn't seem to be an acute form (because sometimes a virus can cause the same thing to happen) because a different portion of my blood work wasn't elevated enough to suggest that. So what do I do? Fairly simple. I continue to take the medicine that protects my heart. And I will be started on an antithyroid medication probably at the beginning of next week. I'll have to continue to have my levels monitored because there is no perfect maintenance dosage. The thyroid is a booger like that. I have been through a jillion thyroid medications with my patients enough to know it is trial and error and what works for a while may not always be the case. This medication does have the potential to suppress my bone marrow, so that is another thing that will be closely monitored. This medicine may be taken for 6 months, maybe 2 years. You just don't know. I DO know that if it doesn't go into a euthyroid (normal) or hypothyroid (low) state in 2 years, then we will do something more permanent. That would be to sock the cells with radioactive iodine to kill those cells, which will probably make me be hypothyroid the rest of my life. But that also can be fixed with a pill. There is a certain test she could run to check on the thyroid right now, but i would have to be away from my kids for 2-3 days. And I don't have that kind of time right now. But she said she would give me the same treatment no matter what it said. But next week I will go have an ultrasound done to see if anything like a hot spot shows up. She repeated my bloodwork today just for a confirmation. So, my 30 year old self has to start taking daily medication, multiple times a day.

and so today, since it is thankful thursday, i am thankful that it is a fairly simple diagnosis.
I am thankful that i was sick a few weeks ago and went to the doctor when i normally would have just rode it out.
I am thankful for western medicine. I will always be thankful for that!
I am thankful that I have friends who have prayed for me and will continue to pray for me. (Because i would LOVE it if this can be taken care of with medicine only and without any kind of radioactive treatment!)
I am thankful that I have a doc who errs on the side of being overly cautious.
I am thankful for God's perfect timing (even though I don't always realize that it IS PERFECT.) If I would have had this earlier, I may not have been able to get pregnant with my precious angel girl and also may have had complications with that pregnancy. He knew just what I needed...LIKE ALWAYS!

and that's it!! you are welcome to ask any question that you want. I think we all know I'm an open book.


Anonymous said...

That dang mom has had trouble with hers for years. I think they finally just took it out. Is that an option?
Hang in there...we're praying for you!

Anonymous said...

Glad you have it under control. Sounds like it's going to be very manageable. I'm quite jealous actually.

Anonymous said...

Hey Becky,

You have a fantastic attitude... you are an encouragement to me. I'm so thankful that it's managable and not anything that can't be maitained {hopefully} with meds... thanks for keeping us posted!

Anonymous said...

Know that you are in my prayers!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you, my friend and I am so happy that you got a diagnosis instead of not knowing what it is! Amen! And another AMEN about God's timing with your precious babies. Amazing! I know that you will be a good nurse/ patient and take your meds and you will get back to normal soon. Thanks for the update and being an open book. It allows the rest of us to encourage and support you! You're great!

WV: folights- how many headlights would 2 cars have? folights

Anonymous said...

oh my... I knew exactly what you were going to say when I read that title! you've been on my mind, been saying a few prayers, finally had a minute to blog jog to catch up... I work all weekend (yuk) but I'll be spyin' on you when I can! kiss them babies, love ya, harri

Anonymous said...

Yuck. I'm so sorry, Becky; but I am really happy for you that you have a diagnosis and thus, can start working towards a solution.

You're in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but nice to know what it is. Hope it is managed well with no time away from kiddos (2-3 days -- that would be tough!??!!- not necessarily for you, but for whomever got that lovely task!!!=~) Keep us updated and I am praying!

Anonymous said...

Nice to know what it is I guess. Thanks for putting it in everyday terms because if you hadn't, I would have used my friend google. We'll keep praying!

Anonymous said...

i am obviously behind. does this connect to the female things that were going on? sorry if i seem ignorant...glad there is medicine and glad you are such a trooper! hang tough (don't you just love nkotb references?). praying for you!

Anonymous said...

actually my female symptoms are more indicative of hypothyroidism. and that is what we were expecting. but i don't really like to play by the rules!!

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